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Infinity Kingdom

Release date






history fantasy
fixed camera (perspective)
graphic style
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PVP focused
online leaderboard
story rich
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6 items to rank up
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one per unit
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release date
27 Jan 2021
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ads amount
no ads
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history fantasy
PVP focused
6 items to rank up
fixed camera (perspective)
online leaderboard


"Infinity Kingdom" is a free fantasy/history-themed MMO RTS with RPG and Gatcha elements. As the game is PVP-oriented, you'll indeed find yourself doing much more than just training & sending troops into epic battles.

MMO RTS mobile market seems rather crowded, so the new title definitely needs something to stand out. For infinity Kingdom, the ascetics seem more than enough to gain the attention of many players. Your castle is fully 3d, stylized with great detail, and can be zoomed to the moment that you'll see a single townsman on the streets. In the night, lanterns are lit, magical structures glow, and actions like training troops are reflected on buildings. The outsides of the castle - the kingdom map - is also 3d and zoomable. At first, there are castles, structures, and creatures roaming around, but with a large zoom-out, all of this seamlessly turn into 2d icons, allowing you to see much more on small screens. 

The core gameplay here is what you might expect from MMO RTS. Recruiting troops, upgrading buildings & technologies, then going outside for resources, PvE or PvP. The PvP is based on alliances, leading to some large-scale battles. At the same time, developers made sure that some of the dull, repeatable parts were reduced to the minimum. There's a handy menu in place for fast recruitment and healing, and the game might combine several already possessed speedups for precise instant builds. Still, you might miss some features there, like leaving the army in place.

The exciting part of Infinity Kingdom is the commander/immortals - system. "Immortals" here mean dozens of heroes from different historical times and places - like Lancelot, Cleopatra, or Mulan. As the gacha behind them might not please some players, undoubtfully they add novelty to the subgenre. Unlike many other games, they lead every unit, not the whole army, effectively making the fights like most "idle RPG" mobile titles. There's even a "collect 6 items to rank up" system in place, not to mention stars, rarity, equip and levels. At the same time, it's hard to disagree that it's another aspect where the Infinity Kingdom Aescethics shines. Not only the 3d models are animated and highly detailed (especially for mobile), but there's even unique voice acting for every character.

Aside from armies moving on the kingdom map, each battle can be alternatively viewed as 3d idle fight between heroes and their armies from 2 sides. Heroes are casting their skills, troops are getting defeated, and sometimes there's even a siege stage, where you attack castle walls. Also, many other features, competitions, and aspects, like raising a dragon (to help in a fight), campaign missions called "weel of time", and occasional online events.

The Infinity Kingdom is free and won't show you any das, but there are tons of things to buy using real money. Some players might feel forced to purchase some perks at some stage to keep pace and stay competitive. Obviously, gacha is a crucial part, especially if you require the strongest immortals. Still, everything is somehow obtainable for free if you try hard enough.

Last update:  28 Aug 2022 05:08

Inventory viewImmortal screenVip system in placeCity overview, units are being recruitedRecruitment shortcutKingdom zoomed - outScnario fights viewsArmy rushing toward enemyMap view on kingdom and surrounding resourcesMap view of fight




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