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World of Epic Hunters

Release date






voice acting
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Location-Based / GPS

Encounter type
simple tap
adding structures to map
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friend list
obtainable emoji
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gacha / chests
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online (PVP)
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release date
10 Dec 2018
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Encounter type
simple tap
gacha / chests
adding structures to map
friend list


World of Epic Hunters is a multiplayer mobile GPS collecting game. Although there are some similarities to Pokemon Go and clones, this game offers unique mechanics rarely seen in location-based titles.

After selecting a character (from traditional fantasy classes like human, orc, or dwarf), you'll find yourself on a map densely covered with 3d objects. Road post, broken cart, or simple crate are just treasures, needing 2 taps to collect. Monsters are also in abundance - split into several elements, from tiny urchins to powerful wyverns. If you're tired of mini-games during fights, Epic Hunters will fit you well. There's nothing else to do than just tap on the enemy and sometimes tap on skill when necessary. Defeated monsters are added to your collection, and defeating duplicates unlocks upgrades.

This collection can then be used for a crucial aspect of the game - defending structures. With levels, new buildings, like lumber mills or quarries, are unlocked. When placed on the map, people around can donate resources to finish construction. Ten, just like poke gyms, you can put a monster to defend the structure and ger number of resources after several hours (some buildings summon monsters instead). Aside from reusing those items to build more things, you can sometimes spot trading locations on the map, so you can exchange rare items for rare monster fragments.

At the same time, to defeat stronger enemies, you'll find better gear from time to time. Also, instead of raids in other titles, Epic Hunters has elemental dungeons, with series of challenging encounters and possible multiplayer. 

The game is betting rather on colorful but scary monsters than on cute creatures in terms of graphics. 3d models are stylized and pretty detailed, with both enemies and structures being nicely animated. Horizon is fogged, roads are rocky paths, and random trees are scattered here and there, so the map looks rather lively. Also, it's worth noting that every equipment change is reflected in your hero.

World of Epic Hunters is a free game, it won't show any ads, and what's more - there's no specific premium currency. SPending few $ can speed up your progress, but every item in the shop is obtainable without spending real money

Last update:  14 Aug 2022 00:08

Finishing tutorialMap view - objects, enemies and dungeonEnemy fightCharacter equipement screenDefending buildingReward for level upCreatre screen




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